Support secured

Support secured

June 26, 2024

26 June 2024

A staff member from a youth residence contacted us, concerned that a youth with special needs and physical disabilities wasn’t receiving adequate support, such as grab bars in the shower and railings on porch stairs.

Issues: Duty to report; Disability; Rights (Identity)

A staff member from a youth residence contacted us, concerned that a youth with special needs and physical disabilities wasn’t receiving adequate support, such as grab bars in the shower and railings on porch stairs. The youth’s mother and CAS worker had asked the home to install this equipment on his behalf several times, backed by an occupational therapist’s assessment. Although the home’s supervisor told us the necessary renovations were done, the mother told us the grab bars were still not in place.

RESULT: We followed up with the residence supervisor, who confirmed five days later that the grab bars were installed, and provided photos to prove it. The youth’s mother expressed gratitude for our assistance.

Learn more about the Children and Youth Unit which answers questions and takes complaints about child protection services.
Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.